The BEST wedding band in Austin Texas! Wedding ceremony to cocktail hour to reception we can do it ALL! Live music wedding band in round rock gerogetown, cedar park, leander, dripping springs, kyle, driftwood, hutto, taylor, pflugarville, horseshoe Bay, and more! fun cover band for your wedding! 3 piece wedding band! its not a guitar its a harp! wedding guide, chapel dulcinea wedding music, wizard academy, big band music to pop country group band! best wedding band austin texas! 

Kristen Gibbs is a classical and contemporary harpist in Austin Texas. She provides Harp music for weddings, private parties, events, restaurants, hotels, and any special occasion.  Kristen plays a large variety of music styles including Pop, Blues, Country, Classical and More. She performs as a Solo Musician or with her 3 piece Band. She services the Greater Austin Area. She also teaches harp and gives harp lessons out of her studio in Round Rock and North West Austin.  Please contact Harpist Kristen Gibbs for booking and pricing.

The  Kristen  Gibbs  Email  List

Kristen has performed at countless events in the Austin area, venues include:

Check my calender page for when and where my next gig will be!

Iguana Grill

Putters Cafe

Lost Pines

Cedar Street
Allan House
Bar Mansion Inn​​

Dos Salsas

Retirement Parties

Phone: (512) 810-2635

Album Release  - Harp to Heart - 2/23/25

Song List Includes:

1. What's Up

2. Rock Around the Clock

3. Amazing Grace

4. Don't Worry Be Happy

5. Let Me Tell You About My Jesus

6. Ring of Fire

7. Sweet Child of Mine

8 Oye Como Va

9 Walk The Line

10 Someone Like You

Make music to the LORD with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing - Psalms 98:5

Kristen's 1st Recorded Album consists of 9 singles including Pop, Rock, and Christian Music that she loves to play with a Joyful Heart on the Harp.

Kristen Gibbs

The Kristen Gibbs Band

Kristen sings and plays the harp in a 3 piece band perfect for any event! 

Christian Hashtags

Christian Music Harp Cover Holy Spirit By Jesus Culture 

#Harp Harp #Music Music #KristenGibbs Kristen Gibbs #AustinsHarpist Austins Harpist #HarpCovers Harp Covers #FYP FYP For Your Pleasure #LiveMusic Live Music #Weddings Weddings #HarpLessons Harp Lessons #Vocalist Vocalist #QueenofHarps Queen of Harps #512Music 512 Music #PianoCovers Piano Covers #GuitarCovers Guitar Covers #OriginalMusic Original Music #Harpist Harpist #AustinTexas Austin Texas #GeorgetownTexas Georgetown Texas #RoundRockTexas Round Rock Texas #WeddingMusic Wedding Music #WeddingReception Wedding Reception #WeddingBand Wedding Band #LiveBandforWedding Live band for Wedding #WeddingDay Wedding Day #AustinBride Austin Bride #AustinWeddings Austin Weddings #TexasBride Texas Bride #HarpTeacher Harp Teacher #WorshipMusic Worship Music #ChristianMusic #ChristianMusic #GHBC GHBC Great Hills Baptist Church #HCBC Hill Country Bible Church #Jesus Jesus #JesusChrist  Jesus Christ #Eastermusic Easter Music #ChristmasMusic Christmas Music #HolidayMusic Holiday Music 

#CasaBlancaOnBrushyCreek Casa Blanca on brushy creek, # GareyHouse Gary House, # KindredOaks Kindred Oaks #TheUnionOnEighth The Union on Eighth # AndersonTerrace Anderson Terrace #TheWoodbineMansion The Woodbine Mansion #UrbanCreekside Urban Creekside #ChateauOnTheCreek Chateau on the Creek #TheTexasHall The Texas Hall #RabbHouse Rabb House #HotelGranducaAustin Hotel Granduca Austin #MercuryHall Mercury Hall #SouthCongressHotel South Congress Hotel #TheAllanHouse The Allan House #BazosHall Bazos Hall #HotelElla Hotel Ella #CampLucy Camp Lucy #MemoryLaneEventCenter Memory lane event center #TheStationonMercer The Station on mercer #MorganCreekBarnDrippingSprings Morgan Creek Barn Dripping Springs #TheRanchAtBellSprings The Ranch at Bell Springs #StoneHouseRanch Stone House Ranch #TheTerraceClubDrippingSprings The Terrace Club Dripping Springs #CanyonwoodRidge Canyonwood Ridge #ChapelDulcinea Chapel Dulcinea #HudsonBendRanch  Hudson Bend Ranch #SignatureBridalSalon Signature Bridal Salon #SpanishOaks  Spanish Oaks #LuxeWeddingsandEvents Luxe Weddings and Events #AntebellumOaks Antebellum Oaks #TheHillsofLakeway The Hills of Lakeway #LakewayResortandSpa Lakeway Resort and Spa #StarHillRanch Star Hill Ranch #LaPalomaEventCenter La Paloma Event Center  #VintageVillasWeddings Vintage Villas Weddings #OliveandBelleEvents Olive and Belle Events #VistaonSewardHill Vista on Seward Hill #VillaAntonia Villa Antonia #TheTerraceAtHighlandLakes The Terrce At Highland Lakes #AltarEgoWeddings Altar Ego Weddings #SilverThistleWEddings Silver Thistle Weddings #TheOrchardAtDrippingSprings The Orchard at Dripping Springs #CricketHillRanch Cricket Hill Ranch #TheWildflowerBarn The Wild Flower Barn #VistaWestRanch Vista West Ranch #ProspectHouse Prospect House #SacredOaksCampLucy Sacred Oaks Camp Lucy #BarrMansion Barr Mansion #PecanSpringsRanch Pecan Springs Ranch #ChateauBellevue Chateau Bellevue #TheCaswellHouse The Caswell House #VillaStClair Villa St. Clair #TheHummingbirdhouse The Hummingbird house #BrodieHomestead Brodie Homestead #SimplyRomanticWeddings Simply Romantic Weddings #PeachedSocialHouse Peach Social House #Ranch505 Ranch 505 #JennifersGarden Jennifers Garden #WallerBallroom Waller Ballroom #TuscanHall Tuscan Hall #AustinWeddingGuide Austin Wedding Guide #JustinesSecretHouse Justines Secret House #TheUniversityofTexasClub The University of Texas Club #TheAddisonGrove The Addison Grove #TheBelmontHotel The Belmont Hotel #800Congress 800 Congress #GracelandOaks Graceland Oaks #AustinClub Austin Club #GreenPasturesEvents Green Pastures Events #TheEleanor The Eleanor #LifeAustinChapel Life Austin Chapel #OnionCreekBallroom Onion Creek Ballroom #SterlineEventCenter Sterline Event Center #TheCarringtonBuda The Carrington Buda #TheGrandLadyManor The Grand Lady Manor #LeSanMichele Le San Michele #KimptonHotelVanZandt Kimpton Hotel Van Zandt #Riverplacecountryclub River Place Country Club #LoneOakBarn Lone Oak Barn #WoodbineMansionRoundRock Woodbine Mansion Round Rock #TheOasisonLaketravis The Oasis on Lake Travis #AngelSpringsEventCenter Angel Springs Event Center #PearlSnapHallGeorgetown  Pearl Snap Hall Georgetown #TinyTRanch Tiny T Ranch #ThegatehouseRoundrock The Gate House Round Rock #CelebrinoEvenCenter Celebrino Event Center #TheMilestoneGoergetown The Milestone Georgetown  

Kristen Gibbs is a classically trained harpist in Austin Texas that provides a variety of Music for any event including Weddings, Private Parties, and Live Public Venues.  An Amazing Harp player and Vocalist that  entertains as a Solo Musician or with a Band.  Playing a large variety of music styles including Pop, Blues, Country, Classical and More.  Kristen Gibbs is Austin's #1 Harpist and Vocalist with the ability to make the harp a versatile instrument.  Whether your interested in classical harp music perfect for your wedding or contemporary lounge music for cocktail hour, or amazing cover band for receptions or live music venues. She plays songs from "Canon in D," "Clair De Lune," to artist like Etta James, Lauren Daigle, Johnny Cash, Bruno Marz, Nat King Cole, Aritha Franklin, Bob Marley, Adele, Nora Jones, Toby Mac, Etc.

Austins Harpist